College and Career Office

Room 729

Portfolio Review

What is a Portfolio?

A portfolio is a collection of your work, in whichever medium you prefer, such as fashion sketches or photography. Portfolios give students the opportunity to show off your artistic skills, experiences and interests. 

What should be in my Portfolio?

Each school that requires a portfolio have different requirements as a college, and for each major that requires one. It's important that you check what the requirements are for the major you're applying for, for each school. 

For example, at FIT,  if you're applying for Fashion Design, the portfolio consists of...

“Please submit a short essay, two design projects consisting of 7 to 14 images, and a sewing project consisting of 4 to 9 photographs.” FIT Fashion Design Portfolio Requirements

Additionally, FIT also requires there own essay, which answers the question "Why FIT?"  FIT's Website

However, at Parsons if you're applying for the Fashion Design Major, the portfolio consists of... 

"8 to 12 slides and can include a range of media such as drawing, painting, sculpture, fashion design, animation, performance, graphic design, sketchbook pages, or any other visual media. We encourage you to show experimentation and range." Portfolio Requirements

Parson's also requires the Parsons Challenge which is "a new visual work inspired by a piece submitted in the portfolio." Parsons Portfolio Requirements

As you can see, all schools have different requirements for each school, as well as there own portfolio requirements despite applying for the same major. 

If you're having trouble with your portfolio, it's important that you reach out to your CTE teacher's. In the Fall there are also portfolio review days from individual schools. As opportunities arise they will be posted.

Free Portfolio Review Sessions

National Portfolio Day Association holds free portfolio support with a number of colleges and universities such as Pratt and SVA. Visit with counselors, admissions team members, and faculty from art and design schools for a portfolio review before applying to colleges or universities.

On October 26th, 2024 National Portfolio Day Association will be hosting their annual event at the Jacob Javits Center. Students can visit with counselors, admissions team members, and faculty from art and design schools for a portfolio review before applying to colleges and universities. The link to register is HERE.