Our Mission
Department of SWD (Students With Disabilities)
At HSFI students with disabilities have access to the same curriculum and high expectations as their non-disabled peers, while receiving the supports they need to succeed that are outlined in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) in the least restrictive environment. In addition, we offer various related services for students who qualify.
We have numerous educational settings to best address the needs of our students which include, ICT, SETSS and 15:1 Special Class. In addition we have a trained staff of psychologists, a social worker, counselors and teachers who work closely with our students to ensure their needs are being met within our challenging academic environment. Our Falcon Health Center also offers At-Risk counseling for students.
Our Process
When referring your child for an evaluation for services there are important factors to consider. The NYC Department of Education provides an extensive guidance of what to consider when contemplating whether or not to refer your child for an evaluation for services which can be found here. Key points to consider are if you think your child may need special education services:
Children learn and develop at different speeds and in different ways.
Children who learn differently do not necessarily have a disability.
Children should not be referred for special education services because of limited English proficiency.
Annual Review
Once a year your child will have an annual review to discuss their academic & social emotional progress. At this time, the IEP Team, reviews the appropriateness and effectiveness of the special education services provided to determine the services and goals for the following year.
Triennial (Mandated Three Year Reevaluation): This is a reevaluation which must be completed once every three years, unless you and the DOE agree in writing that it is not necessary. If new assessments are needed, you will be asked to provide consent. Consent means you are giving your permission for assessments to be conducted by the School Psychologist.
The IEP team, including you, will meet to review the IEP recommendations given the new information.
Special Education Services | Support Services
For the IEP meeting you will receive a phone call to schedule a meeting and to confirm your email address.
In addition, you will be asked to complete an online questionnaire regarding your child which will help us best prepare for the meeting. Related services can help a student participate in school and achieve his or her educational goals.
Your child’s IEP may recommend related services in the classroom, where related service providers can work with teachers, paraprofessionals, and other adults to support students; or your child’s IEP may recommend related services in other locations in the school. Your child’s IEP may recommend related services one-on-one or in a small group.
Related Services
Related services can help a student participate in school and achieve his or her educational goals.
Your child’s IEP may recommend related services in the classroom, where related service providers can work with teachers, paraprofessionals, and other adults to support students; or your child’s IEP may recommend related services in other locations in the school. Your child’s IEP may recommend related services one-on-one or in a small group.
Hearing Education Services (HES)
Helps students who are deaf or hard of hearing improve their communication skills. Students who are deaf or hard of hearing, and attend either general or special education classes, receive HES related services on a weekly basis.
Hearing Education Services are provided by licensed teachers of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and student goals may focus on auditory training, language development, self-advocacy skills, or speech-reading. Additionally, HES teachers provide academic support using a variety of techniques based on the individual needs of students.
Work during HES sessions is driven by the results of the Ling Six-Sound Test, Compass Test of Auditory Discrimination, Listening Inventory for Education (LIFE-R), Screening Instrument for Targeting Educational Risk in Secondary Students (Secondary SIFTER), as well as feedback from classroom teachers or the self-reported needs of students.
HES teachers and Educational Audiologists also provide instruction in the use and care of hearing aids, as well as other Hearing Assistive Technology/HAT (formerly FM unit). Close contact with general education teachers, special education teachers, and parents is maintained to support the instructional needs of students with hearing loss.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy is designed to maintain, improve, or restore function of students in all education-related activities, including neuro-musculoskeletal function; motor function including fine motor, oral motor, and visual motor integration; sensory and perceptual function; cognitive, and psychosocial function. Activities emphasize independence in daily living skills and school participation in various settings.
Speech Therapy
Speech and language therapy is a mandated related service provided to students who have difficulties with comprehension, verbal expression, reading, writing, and critical thinking skills which interfere with their academic achievement. A student must be evaluated and approved through the Department of Education, after which a mandate (location/group size/duration) as well as individualized therapy goals are added to the student’s IEP. Intervention is provided in the classroom and/or a separate location to best meet the student’s needs and goals. Therapists work collaboratively with teachers to model and instruct how to implement recommended accommodations and modifications in order to improve communication within the classroom.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy emphasizes physical function of gross motor skills and independence in different settings. Physical therapists increase a student’s ability to participate in various school functions by remediating or compensating for musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, or cardiopulmonary impairments. Physical therapists employ various techniques including addressing deficits in body structure and function, suggesting adaptations to physical tasks, recommending assistive devices, and adapting the environment.
TVI Services | Orientation and Mobility Teacher
Orientation and mobility (O&M) instruction enables blind and low vision students to learn safe and purposeful travel.
O&M training is designed to improve the student's grasp of spatial and environmental concepts and use of information received by the senses for negotiating travel. We teach the use of low vision aids and/or the long cane to supplement visual travel skills for navigating the environment.
TVI Services | Teacher of the Blind/Visually Impaired
Provides educational vision instruction in Braille, assistive technology, and compensatory techniques. Assist students to gain full and equal access to the student’s curricula that is IEP driven. The TVI works closely with the student’s school, teachers and related services providers to ensure the student gains the highest level of independence
Integrated Co-Teaching | ICT
Classrooms with Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) services include students with IEPs and students without IEPs.
In an ICT classroom there are two teachers—a general education teacher and a special education teacher. The teachers work together to adapt materials and modify instruction to make sure the entire class can participate. ICT is offered for the content courses of Math, ELA, Social Studies and Science.
Small Class | SC
S.C Small Class 15:1- When in the school building , the Small Class is 15:1 ratio. That means no more than 15 students to 1 teacher. Please note that not all courses will be 15:1 such as P.E, Art, CTE, & Spanish. Students in this setting need additional academic support which cannot be met in a general education classroom. They are taught by special education teachers who provide specialized instruction that addresses the individual learning needs of that student.
Digital Instruction
Jupiter Ed
At HSFI we use Jupiter Ed as our electronic gradebook. Once student programs are finalized for classes, you will be able to see their schedule and grades here. Click on the link for Grades and Homework to login. Once you log in for the first time, you will be prompted to create your own personalized password
Google Classroom
Students received an invitation to their Google Classrooms via their NYCSTUDENT email; please remember they will need to be signed into their NYCSTUDENT email in order to access their Google Classroom.
While Google Classroom is available via a smartphone app, it is best to interact with the site using a laptop or iPad.
Here are some resources for Google Classroom:
The Parent's Guide to Google Classroom
La Guía de Los Padres para Google Classroom
How to submit/complete an assignments in Google Classroom
How to add a signature to your Gmail
How to conduct a spell check in Gmail
By this time, you should have received an email inviting you to Jupiter Ed. If you have not, you can reach out to your child’s guidance counselor.
Jupiter Ed is where you can see your grades and assignments and communicate with your teachers. It is the location where teachers and school staff will communicate with you.
Jupiter Ed is where you can see your child’s grades, track progress, attendance and communicate with school staff.
The High School of Fashion Industries Transition Planning Team (TPT) consists of a Transition Coordinator, the AP of Special Education, Counselor and General Education and Special Education Teachers to support our students. The Transition Planning Team works directly with students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and 504 plans to prepare students for post-secondary living.
The goal is to prepare all students for postsecondary college and career readiness, and to exit high school with the highest diploma option available. High expectations, rigorous instruction, access to effective teaching practices, and quality Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) with deliberately planned transition services help to ensure that each student with a disability is prepared for college, career and independent living.
Transition planning is a required component of the IEP process; beginning at the age of 12, students must be administered a Level 1 Vocational Assessment that includes a review of school records and assessments, and parent and student interviews to determine vocational skills, aptitudes, and interests. This information obtained from the Vocational Assessment should then be incorporated into the Present Levels of Performance and inform the transition planning reflected in the student’s IEP. Beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the student is age 15, transition services for students with disabilities must be documented in each student’s IEP for
continuing education, vocational training, employment, adult services, independent living and/or community participation, and tailored to student needs, abilities and interests.
Here at the High School of Fashion Industries, every child with an IEP is administered a new vocational assessment each school year to tailor the goals specifically for that child. Some of the programs and opportunities provided for students include:
Connecting seniors with post-secondary services like Acces-VR and OPWDD
Resources to apply for working papers and state IDs
Resume writing and career exploration in classes
Providing work-based learning (WBL) opportunities through the Summer Youth Education Program (SYEP), Training Opportunities Program (TOP) and the BRIDGES program both on school premises and outside of school premises
Travel Training programs when appropriate
Visits to vocational schools and colleges with disabilities offices
Adult Career and Continuing Education Services- Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) services are for individuals with disabilities that interfere with getting or keeping a job or who have difficulty advancing at their job. VR services may only be provided if your goal is employment.
To apply or be referred for VR services you should be at least 14 years old and must be available to participate in the vocational rehabilitation process. There is no length of residency requirement for anyone present in New York State. If you are not a United States citizen you must provide proof you are allowed to work in the United States as determined by the United States Department of Immigration and Naturalization Services.
One completed, ACCES-VR applications must be submitted to Ms. Husted.
Through OPWDD, you can access supports and services that can help your family to support you to live in your family home; assistance for you to live on your own in the community of your choice; help if you want to work, take part in volunteer opportunities or other types of community involvement; and assistance accessing services you need to live your life, including connecting you to clinical or therapeutic supports.
The NYC Bridges program began in 2018. NYC Bridges serves in-school and out-of-school young adults ages 17-24.
Bridges staff members, known as Employer Representatives, work with young adults individually and in groups to identify career goals, develop interviewing skills, connect with employers, create a résumé, apply for jobs, get a job, and succeed in a job. Employer Representatives work closely with each young person, providing instruction, guidance, and mentoring that increases confidence, builds character, and enhances professionalism.
Co-op Tech
Co-op Tech offers classes in all five boroughs that provide students with cutting edge trade classes and technology training that meet the growing demands of our nation's workplace. Many students in Coop Tech are given the opportunity to take part in the Department of Education's Work Based Learning Program (WBL) which provides job readiness skills knowledge of basic safety and OSHA procedures, CPR, and real world of work exposure. Upon recommendation from program faculty, each student can be matched with one of Coop Tech's intern partnership sites. Students are encouraged to take full advantage of internship opportunities as they build their portfolios and expand their skills for future employment. Eligible students who participate in paid internships receive minimum wage in addition to real work experience
The Transition and College Access Centers are devoted to ensuring that students with disabilities are prepared for postsecondary life experiences. Transition and College Access Centers will support schools and families with facilitating a seamless transition for students from school to adult life, in preparation to be productive members of society. In addition to college readiness resources and supports, these centers will also facilitate diverse work-based learning opportunities for students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).
Transition means preparing students for adult life. Whether it's preparing to attend college, enter the workforce, or live independently for the first time, Transition and College Access Centers (TCACs) exist to help students with IEPs achieve their goals, and support families and school staff in planning for their students' life after high school.
Work-based Learning programs provide opportunities for students to gain real-life work experience through internships and employment.
Training Opportunities Program (TOP) - students participate in internships.
Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) - Youth between the ages of 14 and 21 participate in paid employment for up to six weeks in July and August
Working Papers and Transcripts
To request your working papers or transcript, complete the attached form(s). Remember, a student must be signed on through their HSFI email to complete these forms.
Career Zone
CareerZone is an innovative online career exploration and planning system designed especially for today's high-tech youth in New York State. CareerZone presents current and relevant occupational and labor market Information in a clear and interesting way, making career exploration and planning fun and easy.
CareerZone leverages the power of the web to provide: information on 800 occupations from the national Occupational Information Network (O*NET) Database; the latest labor market information from the state Department of Labor; and interactive middle and high school career portfolios aligned with the New York State Education Department Career Plan initiative. Links to college exploration and planning resources help youth begin their life/work journey. Over 450 career videos provide a visual of the workplace and bring careers to life. Up-to-date job postings provide a glimpse into the local labor market and an ability to apply for positions. The expanded resume builder helps youth prepare one of the most important tools needed for a successful job search.
HSFI Partnership with Manhattan School for Career Development 751M
HSFI continues to collaborate with The Manhattan School for Career Development 751M, through our Inclusion Program.
District 75 Special Education Inclusive Services are an opportunity for students with disabilities to receive special education services from District 75 while participating in the general education curriculum at a District 1-32 school. Students receive services from a District 75 Special Education Teacher, and if appropriate, related services and paraprofessional support, from District 75 providers. Students learn in age-appropriate general education classes, receive instruction from a general education teacher, and participate in school programs with students with and without disabilities.
Specialized Transportation/OPT
If your child has specialized transportation on their IEP and you have questions regarding the bus company or service, you can contact the Office of Pupil Transportation at 718-392-8855 for information regarding your students route, pick-up time and bus company. In addition, if you are experiencing difficulty with the service (lateness, lack of communication), you can place an inquiry at 718-392-8855. Please also let the school know so we can also follow-up.
Travel Training: Eligible students age 14 and above may receive travel training services. These services help students use public transportation and navigate different environments independently. To learn more about Travel Training, call 212-802-1625 and email Ms. McGuinness.