HSFI Summer Interns at Alexander Wang

Twelve of our amazing HSFI students are participating in the Alexander Wang Academy Summer Internship program this summer. The internship program has been an exceptional opportunity for these students pursuing careers in the fashion industry. Our students represent a variety of our HSFI majors - Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing and Visual Presentation. Our students are gaining invaluable experience and knowledge through a comprehensive curriculum that includes one-on-one mentoring, seminars, and panel discussions. This real-world perspective is crucial in preparing them for the dynamic fashion industry equipping them with the skills and insights needed to succeed.

The internship has included workshops that cover a wide range of topics including Public Relations, Product Design, Product Development, Fashion Law, Marketing, Sales, and Customer Service. These sessions have been led by industry professionals who bring their expertise and insider knowledge to the Wang Academy mentees. Our students will not only enhance their technical skills, but also build a professional network that will support their future careers.

Thank you to Alexander Wang for being such a wonderful partner to the High School of Fashion Industries!HSFI Interns in the Board Room